Education Ministry praises SAHS Leadership

JIS News Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Dr. Grace McLean, has praised the leadership of the St. Andrew High School for Girls for maintaining its reputation as an institution of academic excellence, spiritual formation and character development. “The achievements of your students – past and present – would not […]

95th Anniversary Service on Commemoration Day – Monday September 21 @ 9am

Under the theme Exploring new territories…Embracing change, the St Andrew High School for Girls launches the celebration of the 95th year of the School’s founding with a 95th Anniversary Service on the school’s commemoration day, Monday, September 21, 2020 at 9am in Margaret Gartshore Hall. In keeping with Covid-19 protocols the Service will be attended […]

School Reopening Schedule: Principal’s Letter to Parents / Guardians

Dear Parents / Guardians, This certainly has been a time like no other. As you may be aware, the Minister of Education, Youth and Information (MoEYI), Hon. Karl Samuda announced on Friday August 21, 2020 that the new academic year would not begin until Monday October 5, 2020. We are disquieted about our girls, their […]

Alumnae & Friends Raise $2.7 million for School’s Covid Care

The St Andrew High School Foundation, in an overwhelming show of support from alumnae and friends in Jamaica and overseas has raised over $2.7 million through its Covid Care fundraising appeal. This is to support expenses incurred for distance learning for students and teachers at the school, CXC examination preparation, student welfare as well as […]

Covid Care Campaign Aims to Raise $2 Million Target Launched

The SAHS Foundation supported by the SAHS Parent Teacher’s Association and Old Girl’s associations and chapters in Jamaica, USA, Canada and the UK has launched Covid Care – a $2 Million fundraising drive for the School. Funds raised will be directed in two areas – to support the required Distance Learning & Teaching now in […]

Mrs Reid’s 2018/19 Annual Report

Please click on the link to see Mrs. Reid’s Annual Report presented at the Awards Ceremony, November 24, 2019 The full report is here    

Tribute to Ambassador Pat Durrant from the St Andrew High School Family

The Service of Thanksgiving for much loved, respected and admired Old Girl Ambassador Mignonette ‘Pat’ Durrant, OJ, CD will be be held on Saturday, December 14 at the Hope United Anglican Church , 221 Old Hope Road at 10am. This is our tribute to Pat. Ambassador the Honourable M. Patricia Durrant, O.J., C.D 1943-2019 Mignonette […]

SAOGA Saint Awardees Ann Hodges & Karen Henry – Read Their Citations

Two outstanding old girls, translator Karen Henry (left) and architect Ann Hodges (right), were the recipients of the St Andrew Old Girls Association’s (SAOGA) Saint Awards presented at the Post Valentine’s Dinner Dance on Saturday, March 2, 2019 in the Margaret Gartshore Hall. Click to read their citations here. Saint Awardees are Old Girls who: […]