The PTA’s Food Drive was supported by Covid Care.

The St Andrew High School Foundation, in an overwhelming show of support from alumnae and friends in Jamaica and overseas has raised over $2.7 million through its Covid Care fundraising appeal. This is to support expenses incurred for distance learning for students and teachers at the school, CXC examination preparation, student welfare as well as public health requirements to be compliant with the required Covid-19 protocols.

“We are most appreciative that our alumnae locally and overseas have responded so positively even at a time when we know that everyone is facing challenges,” commented SAHS Foundation Chair Maxine Henry-Wilson.

The Foundation’s Covid Care campaign smashed their two million dollar target in just under 6-weeks. The on-the-ground and online appeal was launched on May 13, 2020 after the sudden school closure and resultant shortfalls in cash inflows from the cancellation of income generation items such as facility rentals, fundraising events and canteen concession fees. New expenses were also identified resulting from the need to continue online teaching and learning.

Other initiatives organised by the School included a PTA Food Drive from May through July and the inspiring “We Connect” launched by SAHS grade 11 students to collect used devices to assist students sitting CXC examinations.  Click to see their TVJ interview.

“Thankfully, SAHS with programmes such as the pioneering Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to school and campus-wide internet access improvements was relatively ahead of the curve to implement Distance Learning” commented Principal Mrs Keeva Ingram. “Nevertheless, there were challenges to put 1,531 students and 100 teachers online for their entire curriculum at such short notice, but we have surmounted these hurdles.” Mrs. Ingram congratulated the School Family for the tremendous support given in meeting the many challenges wrought by Covid.

CAPE and CSEC students returned to school on June 12, 2020, for exam preparation with all Covid protocols in place. The school term ends on July 3, 2020. Work continues to ready the school for the over 1,500 students who return in September. Click to see the Back to School Video on the new protocol.