The completion of the staff room expansion is just the most recent of Mrs Maureen Chang’s over 17 years of contribution to our School and its campus.
Tributes to her contribution and service were a major part of this year’s September 21 Commemoration Service which culminated in the naming of the newly completed Maureen Chang Wing, on the Janet Gartshore Administrative Building.


St. Andrew High School for Girls Citation to Mrs. Maureen Chang

Mrs. Maureen Chang joined the St. Andrew High School family in September 2001 when her daughter Jodi-Ann entered Grade 7. Since then Mrs. Chang has given unwavering support to the development of the institution. She immediately became an active member of the Parent Teachers Association and has served on the Executive from 2002 either as Chair of the Staff Welfare Committee which she founded or Chair of the Technical and Environmental Committee.  After her daughter graduated in 2007 Mrs. Chang remained on the committee in the capacity of Honorary Life Member and she continues to serve.

Through her initiative the recognition of all staff took on a greater level of importance. The PTA Teachers Day event became something to look forward to as everything was done in fine style. The first Teachers Day function organised by Mrs. Chang was held at her house and each year the venue whether on or off the campus would be transformed into a place of beauty and the food and entertainment made staff feel loved and appreciated. A similar situation obtained for the Administrative and Ancillary staff Christmas function. On these occasions the highlight of the evening would be the announcement of the Teacher and Form Teacher of the Year and the Administrative Staff and Ancillary Staff Employee of the Year. The awards and prizes reflected a high level of appreciation which affirmed the staff and helped to motivate them to continue to give of their best to the institution. Mrs. Chang has been the champion advocate for staff welfare and we thank her for her many deeds of kindness often quietly done which have served to inspire and spur us on.

Maureen Chang has not only been a champion advocate for staff welfare however, as she has also championed the cause of student welfare. Annually she solicits contributions in cash and kind for the care closet to assist girls in need. The numerous school fees that have been paid over the years and the lunch money, pocket money and purchase of books and other school supplies for students across all grade levels is incalculable. “Auntie Maureen” as she is affectionately called has on more than one occasion taken students into her own home when they needed a place to stay; and at the end of their time in High School, she has sponsored some all the way through to the completion of their tertiary education. Her commitment to the welfare of staff and students has been remarkable.

Head Girl Ashley Onfroy orchid presentation to Mrs. Maureen Chang.

Undoubtedly the most significant role that Mrs. Maureen Chang has played in the life of the St. Andrew High School Community has been in the transformation of the physical facilities of the campus. Beginning in 2003 with the conversion of the old cookery lab into the school’s bookshop ‘Essentials’, Mrs. Chang has not looked back. As volunteer Project Manager Mrs. Chang has been responsible for supervising the completion of the third floor of the New Science Block (Higher Level), the building of the cafeteria, the Dahlia Repole Complex, the complete refurbishing of the Janet Gartshore Administrative building and the virtual reconstruction of the Doris Stockhausen Building which was on the verge of collapse as well as the refurbishing of all the bathrooms on the compound.  She is also responsible for supervising the addition of the PTA wing to the Fay Saunders Counselling Centre and the construction of the Emrie James Museum as well as the complete refurbishing of the Founders Memorial Library. The re-creation of the Margaret Gartshore Hall, the creation of the Garden Theatre and Cecelio Park have all been accomplished largely as a result of Mrs. Chang’s unwavering commitment and her extraordinary skill and expertise.

The sacrifice of time, energy and finances invested in the most recent project -the expansion of the main staff room, cannot be quantified. What can be said without a doubt is that this project along with the many others that have been mentioned might not have been implemented were it not for the sterling commitment, dedication and support of Mrs. Maureen Chang.

Mrs. Chang stops at nothing when completing a project at St. Andrew High. Her philosophy is that schools should have the best of everything including infrastructure, so that the staff is motivated to give of their best and the students are provided with a comfortable environment that is conducive to learning. When embarking on any project at the institution Mrs Chang sets the example by being the first to give tangible contributions in cash and kind. The full extent of her contributions to this institution over the years remains unknown as due to her selfless approach to giving, much of this has not been recorded. What we can say however, is that, that which can be accounted for runs into millions of dollars.

Mrs. Chang, there are no words to express the extent of our sincere gratitude and appreciation for the magnitude of your contribution to the development of this noble institution. St. Andrew High School for Girls will be forever indebted to you for all that you have done for the advancement of the entire school family.  May the Lord bless you and your family abundantly as you continue to give of yourself and your talents for the benefit of others.