On Saturday, March 4th, the Margaret Gartshore Hall came alive like never before, as Old Girls, well-wishers and stakeholders gathered for the St Andrew Old Girls’ annual Valentine fundraiser with presentation of the annual Saint Awards to OG’s Vilma Charlton and Marie Cunningham-Clarke and the launch of the SAHS Credit Card.  The Sunday Observer carried the story too with more photos.

SAOGA Presidents All – Present & Past L-R: Sally Carter (current), Nicole Marshall-Walker, Petagaye Givans, Laura Levy

The post-Valentine event kicked off the SAOGA’s project to raise J$ 4-million to air condition the hall not just for the school, but also to increase the hall’s marketability for rentals. The event’s theme – “A Work of Heart”,  honoured the leap of faith led by principal Mrs Sharon Reid, to renovate and remodel the Hall which was completed in 2016 and named during the 90th Anniversary celebrations in honour of our second and longest serving principal Margaret Gartshore.


A Splendid Evening

The Margaret Gartshore Hall was set and lit by the magnificence and splendour created by Maureen Capleton and the MC Décor team. The function’s emcees, Old Girl Ms Denise Williams and Mr Kevin Lawrence, kept the patrons entertained and the night’s programme in check, infusing fun, laughter and precious memories of school days and activities throughout the proceedings.


The Saint Awardees – Vilma Charlton, OD and Marie Cunningham-Clarke

SAOGA President Sally Carter presented the 2017 awards to Olympian Vilma Charlton and SAHS Foundation Director, Marie Cunningham-Clarke. Read More

2016 Saints L-R: Vilma Charlton and Marie Cunningham-Clarke

Marie Cunningham-Clarke, in her response on behalf of the night’s Awardees, thanked their respective families for the love and support given to them and to SAHS, for laying an educational foundation and nurturing their talents in the areas of Arts, Sports and Communication and for helping them to forge a sisterhood of friends for life. The Awardees noted that Old Girls have a duty to keep connected to this wonderful institution and to continue to play an important role in the lives of the current girls by sharing their stories and encouraging a caring yet independent spirit, rooted in Godly faith and love. Old Girls were reminded that they should use their own career experiences to prepare the current girls for the global marketplace so that they too can live a “Life More Abundant”.

SAOGA President Sally Carter welcomed and thanked the event’s attendees for their support of the School and its activities and urged them to continue along this path. Principal Sharon Reid brought greetings and shared her continued desire to see our school continuing to take a holistic approach to education, seeing to the complete development of the student – academically, spiritually and physically, with a focus on effective leadership.

Following the blessing of the meal by Old Girl Dr Lanie Oakley Williams, patrons dined from a sumptuous and delectable menu provided by Patsy Lyn Caterers, whilst being entertained by current student and 2016 Andrewz Idol winner Ms Carisse Panton.

SAHS Credit Card Launched

The evening’s programme included the launch of the  St Andrew High School Affinity Credit Card  from First Global Bank. Old Girls may now opt to give back to their school by signing up for the  First Global SAHS Affinity Credit Card which once approved, will return from FGB  a percentage of the Affinity Holder’s total purchases to SAOGA. Mrs. Suzette Dawkins, AVP – Personal and Business Banking at First Global Bank launched the card.

To top a truly elegant and classy affair, the soulful, energetic and smooth Mario Evon took the stage and had the audience singing, dancing and hanging on to every lyric as he crossed various genres of music – from reggae, to soul and to the classics – and delivered a memorable performance!

It was truly a night to remember!