Kathryn Lawrence cropped

Published in the Gleaner, June 11, 2015: Kathryn Lawrence, deputy head girl at St Andrew High School for Girls, had to try hard to restrain her emotions as she watched the school flag, which she designed, being hoisted for the first time.

Speaking withThe Gleaner at the inaugural hoisting of the flag, done in recognition of the school’s 90th anniversary celebration, she noted that it was a memorable moment for her and the institution.

“When it (flag) was going up I kept praying, ‘God let the wind blow, let the wind blow’ and the wind finally blew…. I had to try hard to contain the tears,” the 18-year-old sixth-form student said.

“I honestly wasn’t expecting any commendations and I didn’t know that it was a big thing until I sat there this morning and also (because of) the number of persons who greeted me after the ceremony,” she declared on the school grounds last Friday.

The dubonnet flag features the crest of the St Andrew High School for Girls in the centre, encircled by seven grey stars trimmed with white for effect. Dubonnet, grey and navy blue are the school colours.

Significant Symbol

Lawrence explained: “I decided to put the crest in the centre because it is a significant symbol for us here (St Andrew High) and the seven stars hold a special place in my heart because seven is my favourite number, which I believe represents perfection. Though we are not perfect, this is a reminder that we are always striving for perfection.”

She added: “I didn’t want it to be a banner. I made sure that every symbol meant something and it was something persons could remember. The bottom line is that I have to give God thanks because it is really His idea and design, He just used me as a vessel to execute it,” she said.

Principal of the school, Sharon Reid, said the institution has experienced 90 years of God’s blessings and favour.

She also pointed out that the hoisting of the school flag will always be etched in the school’s history.

“First of all, I do believe that it is the men and women of faith who had the vision to find the school and have built a foundation that is very solid. In those days there wasn’t much money, but there was faith. We continued on the same path and the Lord has been good,” she declared.

“We have been enriched, empowered and the Lord has just blessed us tremendously. In every facet of the school’s life, we see God working things out for us. A lot of the old girls are back, it’s almost like a family and we are just looking forward to growing from strength to strength,” Reid charged.