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The Fay Saunders Counselling Centre is staffed full time and open to all grades and parents as well.
The Emrie James Museum – Jamaica’s first purpose-built School Museum
Book Launches and other events make this a great place to visit.
The Essentials Bookstore boasts over 30 logo emblazoned items – from key rings to cardigans and includes polo shirts in your house colour. Must have’s include the Albert Huie print of Cecelio Lodge and gift cards with classrooms and building painted by artist Heather Sutherland-Wade.
You’ll be sure to find a perfect gift or keepsake at the bookstore – or just an exercise book with the shield and multiplication tables! Plans are to include online purchasing in the future.
Open: Monday to Friday 7am-3pm
Summer Hours: 8am–2:30pm
Telephone: 926.5925/6
*Times and days may vary during school holidays.
**Closed on all national holidays.