written by Drews News reporter, Sarah Northover (11R)
As the St. Andrew High School for Girls moves even closer to their centennial anniversary, the school focuses on growth through the theme, “Soaring to New Heights through Christ.”
The Centre for Career Advancement, Leadership and Scholarship (CALS) was introduced by Mrs Reid as a new programme designed in partnership with AIM. The college and career councillor stated its objectives as being: “to give students at Andrews, college counselling, career guidance and… leadership development that happens at sixth form.” She further outlined in more detail that, “We are giving guidance about scholarships, giving guidance about the whole application process, you know, what you need to do to take your SATs and other standardised tests.” The goal of this office is thus to promote a higher growth path for students by encouraging the students of this institution to reach even further.

During the commemoration service in the Garden Theatre, we were inspired by the word that, “They that wait, hope or trust in the Lord have the ability to soar like the eagle.” This message, brought by Rev. Margaret Mills, focused on the aspects of the great eagle. She spoke to the student body with strength and quiet confidence, encouraging us to rise above our challenges like the eagle rising above the storm. She aptly spoke, “Vision is not looking at what you see… but to the possibilities beyond the surface.”

This message was well received by students and parents alike, with a student stating that, “I’m going to try to mimic the eagle and step up into whatever I’m doing with positivity and push myself to do the best I can while also trying to balance all my activities and being able to see what I need to do and where I’m going to be falling if I need any help or assistance.” The head girl endorsed this stance when I reached out for her thoughts on the service afterward.
It is clear that the St. Andrew High School for Girls will be inspiring the students “to rise up on wings like eagles” and soar for this upcoming school year and beyond.