Mrs. Ingram Welcomes Parents & Guardians

Dear Parents & Guardians: It truly is my pleasure to welcome you to the St. Andrew High School family. We are both embarking on a new journey as I will be assuming the office of Principal on September 1, 2019 as Mrs. Sharon Reid who has ardently served this institution for 37 years will proceed […]

Old Girl Mrs. Keeva Ingram Appointed Incoming Principal September 1, 2019

The Board of Management of the St Andrew High School for Girls is pleased to announce the appointment of Old Girl Mrs. Keeva Ingram, MEd, BSc, Dip. Ed. as the incoming Principal of St Andrew High School for Girls effective September 1, 2019. Mrs Ingram’s appointment is consequent on Mrs Sharon Reid proceeding on leave […]

Dr Lanie Oakley Williams Heads 2019/20 PTA Executive

  A warm welcome to the new members of the St. Andrew High School family.  New parents, you are embarking on a life-changing experience that you will share with your daughters and wards. This is the starting point of a lifelong relationship with the school and all who share the honour of having attended this […]

Celebrating OG Ambassador Elinor Felix, CD, JP

Old Girl Ambassador Elinor Felix (nee Phillips) who retired in 2018 as Chief of State Protocol died July 7, 2019. She was a very special lady who served Jamaica loyally and brilliantly and epitomised our school motto, living a Life More Abundant!  Read in her own words, how SAHS influenced her career, when in 2012 […]

OG Dr Gail Kerr Awarded Johns Hopkins Distinguished Visiting Professorship in diversity

The Johns Hopkins Department of Medicine Diversity Council and the School of Medicine Office of the Vice Dean for Faculty announced the visit of Dr. Gail Kerr as the 16th Annual Myron L. Weisfeldt Distinguished Visiting Professor in Diversity, 2019. Dr. Kerr was the featured speaker at Medical Grand Rounds on February 1.  The title of her talk was […]

Principal’s 2017/18 Report Published

Mrs. Sharon Reid’s 2017/18 report on the School which was delivered at the November 23, 2018 Awards Ceremony can be read in its entirety here. Click here to be directed.

Foundation’s One One Coco Campaign Encourages Recurrent Giving

The idea of giving a small amount monthly or quarterly is the idea behind the SAHS Foundation’s One One Coco fundraising appeal launched in May for the School’s Wish List which details annual and recurrent needs for the School and it’s development. Old Girl, Professor the Hon. Elsa Leo-Rhynie who started her monthly donations some […]

SAOGA Elects New Executive 2018/19 – Sally Carter Returned as President

On Saturday, September 1, 2018, members of the Executive nominated at the SAOGA Annual Meeting gathered for a retreat in the Boardroom at St. Andrew High School for Girls. The day centred on visioning, planning and team building. The new Executive, under the returning President Sally Carter pledges to continue the invaluable contribution to the […]