Hermel Evans (1)

It is with regret that we inform the St. Andrew Family of the passing of Mrs. Hermel Evans, Former Head of the Science Department on Thursday July 9, 2015.  Mrs. Evans joined the staff at St. Andrew High in September 1980 and served for 10 years when she resigned in 1990.  She later rejoined the staff in September 2000 as Head of the Science Department.  During her tenure she made her mark on the Science Department by enabling improvement in the quality of passes in the GCE A Level, CXC-CSEC and CAPE Examinations.  She was a  mother and dear friend both to her staff members and students.


Mrs. Evans retired in June 2013 having given 23 years of sterling service to this institution.  We are deeply saddened at her passing.  She will be greatly missed.