hoolmates of Carmen Wellington (nee Anderson) have paid tribute to her passing last month in Canada. Sister of well-known personality Alva Anderson (a JC old boy), Carmen is described by classmate Marie Hector Clarke as “a breath of fresh air at Andrews – confident, outrageous, talented and fashionista to boot! I admired her non-conformist approach to life and her willingness to stand up for herself. It was lovely seeing her again in 2011 as the vivaciousness had not waned! May her soul rest in peace and light perpetual shine on her”.
Carmen’s classmate, Ambassador Ellen Bogle comments: “She will be missed – not just by her nearest and dearest but by her St. Andrew friends who will always remember her vitality and love of life!”
Another classmate, Family Court Judge Rosalie Feurtado Toby writes, “It was good to see Carment at our reunion, we didn’t know hello was goodbye. Walk good my friend and put in a kind word for me up there.”
After leaving SAHS Carmen followed a path in advertising and public relations. She worked for a major paint company was a also news anchor for JBC-TV (now TVJ) crediting her theatrical performances in the renowned ‘8 O’Clock Jamaica Time’ series and Carey Robinson’s ‘The Mantle of Spain’ to her active participation in drama at SAHS. In later years she moved to Canada, married and raised her family there.
Reflecting on her Andrews years in the 2011 class reunion book, Carmen wrote, “I remember an incident which has always brought a smile to my face. This refers to a friendly hockey game which we played against Jamaica College. The team included my brother Alva, an outstanding hockey player. A mere St. Andrew girl facing the JC titans. Once during the game, my brother and I both raced for the ball. As he approached he growled, “touch it and you’re dead!” I didn’t touch it, but stood there laughing as he raced away grinning, with the ball. I am so glad that I obeyed like a dutiful sister for I am now alive and only watching Hockey on television.”
Thank you Carmen for your contribution to our Legacy!