Our Annual PTA Walkathon will take place on Saturday March 9, 2013!!  Participants will be walking from the roundabout at the Norman Manley International Airport to the Port Royal All Age School which is directly opposite the Morgan’s Harbour Hotel.

Walkathon shirts are on sale at the P.T.A. Office as of Wednesday March 6, 2013 at a cost of $600.00 (students) $750 (non-students) each.   Wristbands must be worn by all participants and are available for $250 for those who have purchased a shirt or $1000 for those buying only the wristband.  Students with walkathon sheets are reminded to return them to the PTA Office by Thursday March 7, 2013 at 2:30pm. Such students may also collect their wristbands from the P.T.A. office as of Friday March 8, 2013. Loss of the wristbands will attract a fee of $750. Students who return their walkathon sheets by to March 6, 2013 with a minimum of $2,000.00 may collect an additional wristband on the morning of the walkathon for a parent who wishes to participate. Prizes will be awarded to the top 20 students collecting the most money on their walkathon sheets!

Registration will take place on Friday March 8, 2013 in the PTA Office.  Transportation will be provided from St. Andrew High to the Airport Roundabout. Persons travelling on the bus must report to St. Andrew High at 6am so that registration can be completed in time for departure at 6:15am. Persons will not be permitted to board the bus without a wristband. Persons who do not travel on the bus in the morning but will need transportation from the venue at the end of the day must also register.  Persons who prefer to meet the group at the roundabout are asked to note that teachers will be there in the morning to complete registration activities before the walk commences. 

The walk will begin from the roundabout promptly at 7:00 am.

Breakfast will be on sale at the Port Royal All Age School: Chicken, Ackee & Saltfish -$300; Fish –  $400.    Other food items will also be on sale.  Entertainment will be provided by guest artistes between 10:30 am. and 12:15 pm.

The buses will leave Port Royal All Age School at 12:30 p.m. to transport persons back to St. Andrew High.

Please come join us! We need your support and remember comfortable footwear please… it is a 6 mile walk!